Hippocrates din't have any brothers or sisters
The Hippocratic Corpus may have been written by Hippocrates or his students.
There is no evidence of Hippocrates writing the Hippocratic oath but the Hippocratic oath was most likely just named after Hippocrates such as many other things in medicine are named in Ancient Greek or Latin words.
Hippocrates is a/an Physician
He thought Hippocrates was the model doctor, and that what he wrote could be trusted. However, Galen was selective in which of the many treatises attributed to Hippocrates he took as 'genuine'. Those that best fitted Galen's own view of the body were - no surprises here! - the ones he decided were really by Hippocrates!
Hippocrates of Kos.
No, Hippocrates did!
enolious was hippocrates mom
enolious was hippocrates mom
Hippocrates was considered the father of Medicine.
Hippocrates did not have access to a microscope.