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Q: Is it true that people who are good at math and science are bad at English and humanities?
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Why is it that some people who are good at math and science bad at English and humanities classes?

genetics, DNA, jenes. all that stuff

Is it possible for me to do well in physics chemistry and engineering if I'm good at mathematics but not good at College English and Humanities?

Absolutely, yes. I know lots of people like that. In fact, it's pretty normal for people who are good in the Sciences to be not so good at English and the Humanities.

What subject are people good in when they are not good at math?

Communications Social Science Art History Liberal Arts Anthropology Sociology Philosophy English Literature Humanities Psychology Music Linguistics(this has more career opportunities for people who hate math) Education(Elementary Education, Secondary Education, Post-Secondary Education) Law

What does being good at English have to do with humanities and music classes?

Very basically, a culture is defined by its language.

Is engineering for students who are bad at essay writing but good at math?

Pretty much, don't go for the following: English Literature History Psychology Sociology Anthropology Philosophy Humanities any Social Science major(except geography)

Why are some people good at math and physics but bad at English and humanities?

Usually it is lack of challenge. English, which is a humanity, and the other humanities lack true rigor outside of the basic technical aspects of the respective disciplines. Semantics, syntactics and semiotics are English subsections that are not adhered to, but English seems to want to step beyond its remit and say things about the natural world. Such things can be relativistic and disconnected from what is naturally known. This annoys true scholars and they lose interest in English and the other humanities beyond the basics. I really have never met anyone personally who was good at math and physics that could, without much effort, get a B in such subjects. I know I did.

Whats is a good paying 4 year college career?

If you are not sure what you want to do, business and finance courses, humanities and science will help you in whatever you choose to do. If you are great at math and science, and enjoy detailed work, look at engineering.

Is it true that people who are good at math are usually good at science?

Science and maths are of course interrelated. But it is not necessary that a person good at maths are good at science.

Is tv really bad for you?

tv is good and bad sometimes. the good things in tv they put good shows that teach us and make us learn not do to mistake or teach us science math history humanities English Arabic and Islamic. and the bad things they put bad movies like teenagers really want to do instead of studying and ramantic movies

Why are some people good at science but bad at math?

That's hard to believe, unless it's conceptual science, then people need to be good at math to learn science

How is grouping people good?

in science

What if you re not that good in English but you re good in physical science and life science?

there are many ways, without english, we can live but atleast we require basic knowledge of english sentence making etc., I mean we have to atleast express our views in english and now the world is of oppurtunities at sciences.