The major landmarks of the face are the palpebral fissures and the nasolabial folds.
The average surface area of a human face is approximately 280-310 square centimeters, which is equivalent to 0.028-0.031 square meters.
Your face is a landmark
Your face is a landmark
your face never mind your face is too ugly
your face never mind your face is too ugly
The Human Face was created in 2001.
Each surface of a polyhedron is called a face.
On the knees, face, fingers and around the nails commen warts may appear. these are painless with firm growths and a rough surface. On the back of hands, face or legs flat warts may appear. These warts are rather small and have a smooth surface.
A cube with a face diagonal of 25cm has a surface area of 1875cm2
The duration of The Human Face is 3000.0 seconds.
The scientific term for the human face is "prosopon."
A sphere has a surface but no flat face.