Corns and calluses on the feet are thickened areas of skin that can become painful. They are caused by excessive pressure or rubbing (friction) on the skin. The common cause is poorly fitting shoes.
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to much Presure on the area where the corn has developed.
you can get: corns, bunyons, athletes foot, fungus, and warts.
ingrowing nails, corns, athletes foot, bunion, wart
Corns can be recognized on sight.
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Ronnie corns is the person who made goggle!
Caitlin Corns is 5' 4".
Foot corns are irritating bumps that can appear on the sides of your toes. Usually at the foot sole and in between toes. These are the result of friction. Foot corns are your body's response to the pressure and irritation your shoes cause as they rub against your feet.
Rubbing corns just makes them hurt more.
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