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About 40 liters of water are in the human body which, is about 57 percent of an average human's weight. Newborn babies can be about 75 percent, although it gradually decreases throughtout life. Most of the declining occurs in the first ten years of life.

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The human body is 75% water

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Q: What percentage does water make up of the body weight?
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What percentage does water make up your weight?


What percentage of water make your body's?

around 70

What percentage of your body weight does your head make up?

On average, the head makes up about 7-8% of an adult's total body weight. This percentage can vary depending on factors like muscle mass and overall body composition.

What percentage of the body is solid?

The human body has a variable water content that changes daily and with age and gender and body type. On average, adult humans have 57 to 63 % water by mass. At birth, a baby can have up to 75% water weight and this decreases with age. Obese individuals can have as little as 45% water weight. Women tend to have a few percent less water weight than men, but this is largely a difference in muscle and body fat between individuals.

How is your weight affected in the water?

Your weight is reduced. If your body floats and you cannot make it sink, you are weightless (a scale put under you will not register any weight) and the weight of the water you displace will equal your land weight. If you can make yourself bouyant (neither sinking nor floating) then you are also weightless, and your land weight is the same as your body's volume of water. If you can make yourself sink by exhaling and allowing your body to hold itself still at the bottom of the pool) your weight at the bottom of the pool will be equal to your land weight minus the weight of the water you displace (the amount of water in your body's volume). If you float, your body is less dense than the water you are in. If you are bouyant, the density of your body equals the density (specific gravity) of the water, and if you sink, you are more dense than the water (specific gravity) you are in. why do you wanna know r u fat?

Water makes up how much of your weight?

Approximately 60% of the human body weight is attributed to water.

Do proteins makes up 90 percent of your body weight?

No, proteins do not make up 90 percent of your body weight. Water makes up 90 percent of your body weight.

What element represents body weight?

Water makes up about 70% of the human body weight. Other components of oxygen, rubidium and vanadium make up the rest of the weight.

What accounts for the largest percentage of body composition?

I'm torn between skin and water. I know that the skin is the largest organ in the body, but I am really not sure if that is the answer. It is either water or skin. If I find that I am wrong, I will come back and post the correct answer. Sorry I wasn't of much help!! I know how frustrating school (and especially Biology) can be!! Skin is the largest organ in the body, but water make up about 60 % of your body. So water is your answer!

Does drinking water make your body lighter?

Drinking water is beneficial for the health. Also it will help in losing the weight.

How many percent of blood in our body?

An adult will have about 5 liters (= 5 kilograms) of blood in his body. Assuming that an average adult male would weigh around 80 kilograms, that would make a percentage of 4,25%. About 70% of a human body consists of fluids, by the way; but most of that is water.

If you lost 21 pounds of water weight in 2 days and that was all you wanted to lose how can you drink water again without all the weight coming back?

working out at least one day a week. and try some other liquids for one that is very dangerous because it is dangerous to lose 10 percent or more of your body weight through water losses. and two your probably wrong about how much water weight you lost because a marathon runner can lose up to 13 pounds of water weight during a 26-mile race.The weight you want to lose is fat, not water. water weight is quickly regained when body fluids are replenished. Even a small percentage weight drop due to water loss will make you feel uncomfortable. When you lose two percent of body weight in fluids, your body will become aware of it and your body will start to take steps in conserving water in this case you might even gain more water weight because you will get thirsty and replace the water lost but your body is still conserving so you gain more water weight.Mental concentration is affected as fluid losses increase. A 10-11 percent drop in body weight due to water losses can result in serious organ malfunctions. So the best thing to do is check again on how much water weight you lost and if you were correct than go to a hospital and when you are back to a normal state one of the easyest and healthiest ways to lose weight is to exercise and drink plenty of water while exercising.