33 + 22 + 36 = 91
The cost plus system help out in the costs of thing during war. The cost plus system started in World War 2.
The plus sign indicates a person is missing or unaccounted for while a diamond indicates a confirmed death. The plus can easily be converted to a diamond if remains are discovered. It is not an indication of religious affiliation.
Men, age 18 plus.
1234567890 x 9876543210 = 12193263111263526900
1 plus 1234567890 is 1234567891
1234567890 + 1098765432 = 2333333322
4000 + 1234567890 = 1234571890
1234567890 + 4563217890 = 5797785780
The answer is 1.8253374e+18
9876741245 Use our brain :|
907 + 7676 + 666 + 6666 + 777 + 1234567890 + 9 = 1234584591
5 + 1234567890 = 1234567895 - 234567890 = 1000000005