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Q: What symbols were used for regiments in World War 1?
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What were the regiments in the World War 1?

they were my friends rlc and rifles and ctb

Did Illinois send regiments to the civil war?

Illinois sent more than 170 regiments to fight in the Civil War.

What were the Black cavalry regiments in the Spanish American War?

Both the 9th and 10th Cavalry Regiments served in the Spanish American War.

Is there a list of british soldiers killed in world war 1?

nopee..=[ nopee..=[ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes there is - There is a book called "SOLDIERS DIED IN THE GREAT WAR". It is broken into regiments so that you only need to buy the regiments relevant to you. It is published by J B Hayward & son and I got mine on Amazon. It was compiled by the war office in 1920.

How many redcoats are there in England?

In the sense of the British Army, then none. The standard scarlet tunics were formally discontinued at the start of the First World War in August 1914. They are still used in limited, ceremonial forms, most notably by the Guards regiments.

How did the symbols of power affect jew's in world war 2?

symbols only serve to reinforce the issues of what they stand for. By definition a symbol is only representative.

What did the Buffalo Soldiers do in the Spanish American War?

There were four US Army Regiments of Buffalo Soldiers that saw service in the Caribbean Theatre of the Spanish American War. The two Cavalry Regiments did not get to bring their horses with them and fought as Infantry.

How was Milton Keynes affected by World War 1?

Milton Keynes is a newer community that incorporated several older communities which had significance during World War I. Wolverton is noted for building the first railway ambulance train for World War I wounded. The city is surrounded by Buckinghamshire, Northamptonshire and Bedfordshire, towns that had WWI regiments.

Where horses or donkeys used in World War 2?

Mainly horses were used in World War 2. But donkeys were used in World War 1.

Was dynamite used in war?

Yes it was used in World War 1 but it was stopped being used in World War 2

How many people were in regiments in World War 1?

In the US Army there were four regiments to a division in WWI. There were two brigades in a division, and each brigade had two regiments. US divisions were huge compared to those of every other major combatant, with about 26,000 men. The British system was more complicated. They have a number of regiments with a long and distinguished lineage and history. But British regiments did not fight as formations. Each British regiment has a number of battalions. In the British system three battalions, almost always from different regiments, were brigaded together. Three such brigades made up a British infantry division.

How did the African regiments help the north in the civil war?

African-American regiments were usually better fighters in battle because they were trying to fight for the freedom of slaves and equal treatment were white regiments were fighting for honor. Since African-Americans were good at fighting they could help win battles and altogether win the Civil War.