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Q: What was an area in which no military forces were allowed?
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Area where no military troops are allowed?

Demilitarized zone

What does dimilitarized mean?

The word demilitarize means that troops and weapons are not allowed. Any area that has been demilitarized then no soldiers or military bases are allowed in that area.

Has japan ever fought in another war after the atomic bomb?

Japan is NOT allowed to have a military, nor is Japan allowed to fight wars. Japan's military is NOT allowed to be called an Army, Air Force, or Navy. Japan's military is called: The Japanese Self Defense Forces; Land, Air, and Maritime.

What is demilitarization?

Reduction in military capabilities. It may be unilateral, bilateral, or multilateral. It may be voluntary or involuntarily imposed by other nations. It may cover all forces, or only certain types of weapons. A demilitarized zone is an area around the border of two countries where weapons are not allowed, usually to reduce the chance of invasion of one by the other.

Are females allowed to be pararescue jumpers?

No. No females are allowed in any sort of US military special forces and it will probably remain that way due to the nature of the job.

What was the area with no military forces near the 38th parallel Korea was called?

demilitarized zone

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Belleau Wood's is an area in France where US Military Forces engaged German forces during WW1

What does Recce stand for in the military world?

In Military world Recce stands for Reconnaissance. It means, exploring beyond the area occupied by friendly forces to gain information about enemy forces or features of the environment.

Why aren't people with flat feet allowed in the armed forces?

Simply put, people who have flat feet are not allowed in the armed forces because they are not be able to walk properly and would not be able to receive their military training.

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Freemasons are allowed in the military.

Is spice allowed for military in Iraq?

Spice is not allowed for the military at all.

Oliver Cromwell's defeat of the king's forces allowed him to do what?

His defeat of Charles I's forces allowed him to control England and have it follow the Commonwealth. He became a highly regarded official, "Lord Protector", and extended his influence to Scotland and Ireland.