we would probably all be stupid, and not be able to get good jobs, and the econmicil structure of our nation would come tumbling down bringing you and every organism down with it
they didnt agree with there rules.
yes the US didnt want another war to fight. they didnt join WWI till 1917 with the sinking of a us passenger ship carring weapons to britain.
because they didnt want to get involve
Because the US senate didnt approve of it. And the president had had a stroke so he couldn't sign it himself.
You would get shot in the bum.
we would die
he didnt
because he didnt like math!
you didnt even give me the answer
People would be glad to help you in math, but it would be great if you told us the problem.
because they knew if they didnt the Germans would
It was born out of necessity. Counting is vitally important to economics, geometry to architecture and astronomy(not 100% a math but heavily involving it) for time. They didnt WANT to do math(Who does?). They HAD to do math.
It has helped us live out our lives, and if we didnt have techmology we would be in the stone age.
It wouldnt. because it is not created, therefore we would have to find some thing else to in fluence us. your question should of been "what would influence us if music didnt"
They were expecting an attack, however they didnt know where or when it would take place.
because i think that he thought that he didnt deserve it