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it depends on how old it is but yes that is a crapload of miles.

Dats like going to Europe 3 times

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Q: Is 10000 miles a lot for a 125 scooter?
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Is 15000 miles on a 1.0 l engine a lot in one year?

Not really. The average person drives about 10000 to 12000 miles a year.

Is it gay to ride a scooter?

Yes. Riding a scooter can be a lot of fun.

How do you start your own scooter team?

get a lot off good people on scooter and win competitions

What is better to learn to scooter on a jd bug or a madd scooter?

madd scooter is so better. A JD bug is better if you are younger as it is a lot lighter

Does it cost more to drive a gas scooter or an electric scooter?

There is a big difference in the performance between a gas scooter and an electric scooter. A gas scooter has a lot more power and can reach higher speeds than an electric scooter. That being said, the cost to drive an electric scooter is cheaper than gas.

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scooter smiff likes an honest cute girl who he has a lot in common with and is attracted 2.

What is lot size of 10000 sq ft?

100' x 100' if it's perfectly square. 125 feet by 80 feet will also give 10,000 square feet, as will 250 feet by 40 feet.

How many brands of whiskey are there in Scotland?

Around 125 distinct distilleries.

Do most auto insurance companies have scooter insurance?

Yes, a lot of auto insurance companies also offer scooter insurance. You should check with your auto insurance company to be sure that it carries scooter insurance.

How much is competition cheerleading?

$1000-$10000 a lot. I know..

What is the average price someone would have to pay for a cheap scooter?

If you are looking for a cheap scooter then you will probably be looking to buy second-hand. Therefore you should expect to pay about $500 on average for a decent, working scooter. However, scooters can cost a lot more and will definitely cost a lot more if bought new.

What does a lot 125' x 80' total in acres?

125' x 80' = 0.23 acres.