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I didn't really put the difference but you can see the pros and cons of the two methods, right? It's in there, somewhere.

Bruce-force Method

Solves a problem in the most simple, direct, or obvious way, does not take advantage of structure or pattern in the problem, often simpler than Greedy Method to implement, but is usually not the most efficient way.

Greedy Approach

Algorithm decides what is the best thing to do at each step (local maxima), may run significantly faster than brute-force, may not lead to the optimal (or even correct) solution (global maxima) Usually requires some initial pre-computation to set up the problem, to take advantage of special structure/pattern in the problem or solution space.

Sources: Matt and

Hope you work it out!



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Q: What is the difference between the brute-force and greedy method to find the shortest path?
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