Traveling 264 miles in 4.8 hours is an average of 0.9167 miles per minute.
The duration of Petty Romance is 1.97 hours.
Traveling on I-75S and I-16E it's about 5 hours and 19 minutes. On US-441S and I-16E, it's about 6 hours and 1 minute.
1 minute = 1/60 hours.
Depends on HOW you are traveling and what your average speed is. It's doubtful you could pin it down to the minute, regardless.
There is exactly 1 minute in a minute. There is 0.01666... recurring hours in 1 minute.
1 minute is 0.01667 hours.
Less than 3.5 hours - no breaks 3.5 hours - 1 10minute break 5.5 hours - 1 10 minute, and 1 30 minute break7 hours - 2 10 minutes and 1 30 minute break 10 hours - 3 10 minute breaks and 2 30 minute breaks 13.5 hours - 4 10 minute breaks and 2 30 minute breaks 15 hours - 4 10 minute breaks and 3 30 minute breaksSo 6 hours 45 minutes would give you 1 10 and 1 30 minute break...1 10 minute every 3.5 hours and 1 30 minute every 5 hours.
The duration of The Traveling Executioner is 1.58 hours.
The duration of Traveling Husbands is 1.22 hours.
The duration of Traveling Companion is 1.73 hours.
4 hours = 60*4 = 240 minutesSo4 hours and 1 minute = 241 minute= 60*241 seconds = 14460 seconds