No, the GCF of an odd an even number is not always 1. Odd and even numbers can share factors other than 1. For example, the greatest common factor of 5 and 10 is 5.
All numbers can be broken down into factor pairs. No matter how many pairs there are, it's an even number of factors. Squares have a factor pair that consists of the same number twice. When you list them, you list the number once.
Well, not always. The GCF and LCM of 10 and 10 is 10. But apart from that special circumstance, the statement is true. Apart from a number itself, all of its factors are smaller than it. Apart from a number itself, all of its multiples are larger than it. You can't have a GCF that is greater than the smaller number, and you can't have an LCM that is less than the larger one which means that the LCM of two numbers will never be less than the GCF. Factors go into numbers, numbers go into multiples.
1 is the number less than fifty with the fewest number of factors. All other numbers have at least two factors (1, and the integer itself).
As a general rule, multiples tend to be larger than factors. This is not always true. 9 is a factor of 27. 6 is a multiple of 3. The important distinction is in the relationship to the number they are factors or multiples of. A factor will be equal to or lesser than the number. A multiple will be equal to or greater than the number.
Two is.
Its 2.
The answer is two. Any even number has 2 as a factor, since that's the definition of "even". And if an even number is larger than 2, it will have other factors as well.
A factor can or cannot be a prime number Ex: 2 is the factor of all other even numbers its a prime number but 9 is a factor of 18 and its not a prime number A prime is a factor but a factor being a prime number varies
Assuming the second even number is equal to 4 or greater, than the highest common factor of the two numbers is equal to an even number 2 or greater. Why can't an odd factor be used? Any odd factor must be multiplied by (at least) 2 to create an even product (ie. the 1st even number). That same odd factor must be multiplied by (at least 2) and any other number to create a 2nd even product, thereby making the Greatest Common Factor (at least) 2 times the odd number....which is an even number.
4 is greater than 3 and is a factor of 20.
YES. 280 is a composite number because it is even and for sure it has another factor other than 1 and itself which is 2.
The number you are looking for is 13. The other factor is 2, but 2 is even, so 13 is the only possibility. 52=13*2*2
No, the GCF of an odd an even number is not always 1. Odd and even numbers can share factors other than 1. For example, the greatest common factor of 5 and 10 is 5.
Yes. An even number will always have as it's factors, itself, 1, 2 and another number. So the minimum number of factors for an even number other than 2 is four.
0 is not a factor of any number other than itself. If N is any number, than there is no other number P such that N = 0 * P and that means that 0 is not a factor of N. The only number that is a factor of all numbers is 1.
Because every other even number has at least a factor of two, preventing it from being prime.