That depends what number you are trying to find the factors of - all those three numbers are factors of the number 18.
One through nine all have single digit factors.
Each prime number has only two factors which are itself and one.
2 factors, but a prime number has only two factors (itself and one). Note that 1 is not considered to be a prime number.
The number one has one factor. Prime numbers have two.
Factors of nine are: 1, 3 and itself 9
1 and 3 are two factors of 69.
Nine factors.
No, just two of them.
1 and 9.
Two has two factors, one and itself.
A prime number has only two factors which are itself and one
9 x 2 = 189 and 2 are both factors of 18.Specifically, 9 is the multiplier, and 2 is the multiplicand.
There are many numbers with more than nine factors, 154,896 is one.
In that range, only 100 has exactly 9 factors.