661 848 km squared
Canada's area is 119 times larger than that of Austria.
India's total area comprises 3,287,590 square kilometres.
10000000 sq km
Brampton is a suburb of Toronto about 25 miles away
661 848 km squared
8,336 km²
Nunavut has the largest area of 2,093,190 km squared. Quebec has the second most with 1,542,056 km squared and Ontario with the third most are with 1,076,395 km squared.
France comprises an area of 643,427 sq km
572 km squared / 221 miles squared.
20 km.
Kenya covers an area of 582,650 sq km
Earth's surface area is 510.07 million km²
There are 4 Australian provinces that are bigger than British Columbia, which has a total area of 944,735 (km squared). They are Northern Territory which has 1,352,178 (km squared), Queensland which has 1,734,174 (km squared), South Australia which has 985,338 (km squared), and Western Australia which has 2,531,562 (km squared).
The total land area of Texas is approximately 695,662 square kilometers.
1,239 Km
8, 8 squared is 64