The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 60 160 is 480.
The GCF is 20.
Prime factorization of 45 = 3x3x5Prime factorization of 60 = 2x2x3x5Prime factorization of 160 = 2x2x2x2x2x5Only common factors are 5 (and 1).Therefore GCF = 5.
20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200 . . .
around 150-160 with the weight of 40-60.
To get the answer to 96 is 160 percent of 60: 160% of 60 = 160% * 60 = 160%/100% * 60 = 16/10 * 60 = 16 * 6 = 96
60 x 160 = 9600 60% x 160 = 96
The LCM of 60 and 160 is 480.
96 km= 60%/100% * 160= 0.6 * 160= 96
266.67 160 : 60% = n : 100% 60%n/60% = (160 * 100%)/60% n = 1600/6 n = 266.67
The GCF is 20.
It is: 100/160 times 96 = 60 and 160% of 60 = 96
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) of 60 and 160 is 480. The Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of 60 and 160 is 20.
60% off 160 is 0.6 x 160 = 96 which mean the discount is 96 and the cost is 160-96 = 64
% rate = 60% = 96/160 * 100% = 0.6 * 100% = 60%
The GCF is 4.
One eighth of 160 is 20, so 3/8 of that is 60.