Yes, if the the number you are finding the LCM of is 1. But usually, LCM involves two or more numbers. While finding the LCM of one number is uncommon and technically an incorrect practice, it is possible.
The LCM of one number is itself.
The LCM of one number is itself. LCM involves two or more numbers.
You need at least two numbers to find an LCM.
The LCM of one number is itself. Finding the LCM requires two or more numbers.
LCM needs two or more numbers to solve. The LCM of one number is itself.
The LCM is the multiple.
The LCM of one number is itself. LCM requires two or more numbers to solve for the LCM.
The LCM of one number is itself.
The LCM of one number is itself.
The LCM of one number is itself.
The LCM of one number is itself.
The LCM of one number is itself.
The LCM of one number is itself.
LCM of one number is itself.
The LCM of one number is itself.
The LCM of one number is itself. LCM involves two or more numbers.
Technically, the LCM of one number is itself.