It depends on what they are compared to. In general, factors will be smaller than the number they are compared to, and multiples will be larger. Overall, factors tend to be smaller than multiples, but 20 is a factor of 40 and 10 is a multiple of 5, so there are exceptions.
The only number that is both a multiple of a number and a factor of that same number is the number itself. Multiples of a number are equal to or bigger than the number, while factors are equal to or smaller than the number.
As a general rule, multiples tend to be larger than factors. This is not always true. 9 is a factor of 27. 6 is a multiple of 3. The important distinction is in the relationship to the number they are factors or multiples of. A factor will be equal to or lesser than the number. A multiple will be equal to or greater than the number.
Both 2 and 14 are multiples of 14. It isn't possible to have a multiple smaller than the largest number. The LCM is 14.
The GCF of the numbers is the greatest common factor no matter what their relationship is. When one number is a multiple of another number, the GCF is the smaller number.
33 is the first composite number that is greater than 30 but is not a multiple of 2
No it is not. To be a multiple of a certain number, the first criterion is that the number must be greater than or equal to the number it is a multiple of. Since 7 is smaller than 48, 7 cannot be a multiple of 48.
No. Multiples can't be smaller than the number they are compared to.
A number can not be bigger than 70 and smaller than 8 at the same time.
No, multiples can't be smaller than the number they are compared to.
No. Multiples can't be smaller than the number they are compared to.
No. Multiples can't be smaller than the number they are compared to.
No, multiples can't be smaller than the number they are compared to.
18 cannot be a multiple of 90 since it is smaller than it. 90 however is a multiple of 18. 18x5 = 90. an easy way to check is to divide the bigger number by the smaller number.
No number can have a multiple smaller than itself. No number can have a factor larger than itself. In a set of two numbers, the LCM can't be smaller than the larger number and the GCF can't be larger than the smaller number. In rare cases, the LCM can equal the GCF, but it can never be smaller.
The largest multiple of 15 smaller than 10,000 is 9990.