if one number is odd 2 cannot be a common factor
The LCM of two consecutive numbers is their product. The LCM of two consecutive multiples of 5 is their product divided by 5. Two consecutive numbers cannot be multiples of 5.
Nothing: it is not defined. Multiplication is a binary operation and that means it is defined for two numbers. You can multiply one number by another number (which could have the same value), but there is no meaning to multiplication of just one number.
A ratio is a comparison between two numbers. Hope I helped you :)
I'm not aware of a way to compare two numbers by multiplication.
It is the ratio of the two numbers.
A ratio.
It is the ratio.
It is Ratio
By division
The comparison of two numbers by division is called a ratio. For example, the fraction 3 over 2 can also be expressed as a 3 to 2 ratio.
It is a ratio.