no every function cannot be expressed in fourier series... fourier series can b usd only for periodic functions.
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Yes. There is an injective function from rational numbers to positive rational numbers*. Every positive rational number can be written in lowest terms as a/b, so there is an injective function from positive rationals to pairs of positive integers. The function f(a,b) = a^2 + 2ab + b^2 + a + 3b maps maps every pair of positive integers (a,b) to a unique integer. So there is an injective function from rationals to integers. Since every integer is rational, the identity function is an injective function from integers to rationals. Then By the Cantor-Schroder-Bernstein theorem, there is a bijective function from rationals to integers, so the rationals are countably infinite. *This is left as an exercise for the reader.
Not every relation is a function. But every function is a relation. Function is just a part of relation.
Not every relation is a function. A function is type of relation in which every element of its domain maps to only one element in the range. However, every function is a relation.
Yes, but not the other way round - not every relation is a function.
Every function differs from every other function. Otherwise they would not be different functions!
That's true. If a function is continuous, it's (Riemman) integrable, but the converse is not true.
every cell perform different function so overall function of the body is relevent to the every cell
That is part of the definition of a function.
The graph of the sine function is periodic at every point. Periodic means that the value of the function at every point is repeated after an integer multiple of the period.
Every C program has a main() function.
Every switch performs a control function. On / Off is a control function.
No. A simple example of this is y = x2; the inverse is x = y2, which is not a function.
A relation is a function if every input has a distinct output.