It's not a question of where it grips it! It's a simple question of weight ratios! A five ounce bird could not possibly carry a one pound coconut!
Benjamin Franklin
POLVO DE AMOR is a popular dessert in Puerto Rico. It is basically a sweet coconut crisp. You need one dry coconut and a pound of sugar. 1. Open coconut and scoop out flesh. Grate until desired texture for cooking. 2. Use a masher or puree press to squeeze out all of the LECHE DE COCO (coconut milk) and put it into a glass or bowl. 3. In a saucepan over high heat, combine sugar and LECHE DE COCO. 4. Add grated coconut flesh and flip like pancake over high heat for five minutes. 5. Reduce heat to medium and continue flipping and moving for about ten minutes, until coconut is golden. 6. Serve and Enjoy!
As far as I can tell from other sources, a donkey can easily carry 30% of its own weight, and it is said that some donkeys are forced to carry double their weight, but this will probably hurt them alot. I would say 30% is a good rule of thumb.
i am going to india iwant to get clear how much cash can a person take to india
You can buy up to 5g a day and carry the same amount without worrying about prosecution.
Its not a matter of where he grips it It's a simple question of weight ratios! A five ounce bird could not carry a one pound coconut! wait a sec "It could be carried by an African Swallow"
Ounce = Oz. Pound = Lb.
A pound is bigger than an ounce
I think an pound is heavier is because an ounce is what you add to a pound and a ponds is what you get
grams 1/8 of an ounce 1/4 of an ounce 1/2 of an ounce ounce QP(quarter pound) Half pound pound
An ounce.
1/16 of a pound in 1 ounce.
5 ounce = 0.312 5 pound
1 ounce short of a pound. About .94 of a pound.
a pound.