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yes they did the goverment did it for there own personal gain

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Q: Did the government cause 9 11?
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what is the point ppeople are just going to cause another terrorist attack like 9/11

Who cause the 9-11?

The attacks of 9/11 were orchestrated by Osama Bin Laden.

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... No.

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What does September 11 represent?

i think September 11 represent the death that cause 9/11

How did the federal government respond to the the September 11 attacks?

The federal government responded to the 9/11 attacks by passing the USA Patriot Act.

Did the government know what was going to happen on 9 11?

No. Had the government known what was going to happen, the government would have prevented it from happening.

What new government was created after 9-11?

No new government was created though the department of homeland security was

Did Hitler cause 9 11 attacks on The World Trade Center?

No, Hitler didn't cause the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade center. Osama Bin Laden started it.

Did the governmant cause 911?

No. Al Qaeda is not a government as such, just an organization of terrorists. Some Al Qaeda apologists try to convince people that the US government did 9/11 themself, presumably so they could look incompetent at their jobs.

How does the government influence their population?

I have no idea, but some say the government blew up the twin towers on 9/11.