Yes, if there is no remainder after division, the divisor is a factor.
Take out the common factor, 3: 3x + 6 = 3(x + 2).
you can factorise 5x2-24x-12 if you use the quadratic formula: This goes to (24(+/-)sqrt(816))/(10) =5.257 or -0.4566 (4s.f.)
The GCF is 4.
If that's + 80, the answer is -4(x + 5)(x - 4)
(2x - 9)(2x - 9)
(4x + 5)(x - 3)
It is: 2x(2x+11)
It is: 4x2-7x-15 when factored is (4x+5)(x-3)
(2x + 5)(2x - 5)
4x2-7x-15 = (4x+5)(x-3) when factored
It is a polynomial (monomial). It is a polynomial (monomial). It is a polynomial (monomial). It is a polynomial (monomial).
It is not possible to be sure about the answer because there is no sign before the linear term. If the polynomial is x3-4x2+x-4 then, the factors are (x-4) and (x2+1).
(4x + 5)(x - 3)
4x(x - 7)