You need at least two numbers to find an LCM.
2 and 5 are both prime numbers. If you multiply them together, the answer is 10. 10 is the LCM of 2 and 5.
The least common multiple of 9 and 105 is 315.
The least common multiple of the numbers 105 and 90 is 630.
The least common multiple of the numbers 165 and 225 is 2,475.
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) of two numbers is the smallest multiple that both numbers share. To find the LCM of 35 and 105, you first need to list the multiples of each number: 35 (35, 70, 105, 140, ...) and 105 (105, 210, 315, ...). The smallest multiple that both numbers share is 105. Therefore, the LCM of 35 and 105 is 105.
You need at least two numbers to find an LCM and there can only be one least common. If you want to know multiples of 105, just keep adding 105. 105, 210, 315 and so on.
A common question in mathematics asks you to find two pairs of numbers with a given LCM. It is trying to find out whether you know what an LCM is, how to find it and reinforces the fact that more than one pair of numbers can have the same LCM. Q. Find two pairs of numbers with the LCM of 36. A. 4 and 9, 12 and 18 (Other answers are possible.)
7 and 15 35 and 105
The LCM is 105.
Two or more numbers are needed to find their LCM but if you mean 7, 3 and 5 then it is 105
You need at least two numbers to find an LCM.
The LCM of these numbers is 137235. LCM is Least Common Multiple.
2 and 5 are both prime numbers. If you multiply them together, the answer is 10. 10 is the LCM of 2 and 5.
This will be difficult to answer accurately if we don't know the given number, so we'll make one up. 36. Two pairs of numbers with an LCM of 36 are 4,9 and 12,18.
The least common multiple of 9 and 105 is 315.
The LCM of the given three numbers is 105