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Actually a stronger statement can be made:
A group G is finite if and only if the number of its subgroups is finite

Let G be a group. If G is finite there is only a finite number of subsets of G, so clearly
a finite number of subgroups.
Now suppose G is infinite , let's
suppose one element has infinite order. The this element generates an infinite cyclic
group which in turn contains infinitely many subgroups.

Now suppose all the subgroups have finite order Take some element of G and let it generate a finite group H. Now take another element of G not in H and let it generate a finite group I. Keep doing this by next picking an element of G not H or I. You can continue this way.

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Q: G is finite where the number of subgroups in g is finite?
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Let g and g' be groups and let h and h' be normal subgroups of g and g' respectively let be a homomorphism of g into g' show that indices a natural homomorphism gh g'h' if h h' this fact is?

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What are the notes for titanic song?

G g g g f (sharp) g g f g a b a g g g g f (sharp) g g d ** repeat ** g a d d' c' b a b c' b a g f (sharp) g g f (sharp) g g d g a d d' c' b a b c' b a g f (sharp) g g f g a b a g g

Prove that the intersection of any two subgroups of a group ia s again a subgroup?

Let H and I be subgroups of G. A group B is a subgroup of a group A if and only if every member of B is a member of A. Thus, every member of H is a member of G, and every member of I is a member of G. The intersection of two groups A and B is the set of things that are members of both A and B. Hence, if a group C is equivalent to the intersection of A and B, then everything that is a member of both A and B is a member of C, and everything that is a member of C is a member of both A and B. Hence, everything that is a member of the intersection of H and I is a member of H. We established above that every member of H is a member of G. Thus, everything that is a member of the intersection of H and I is a member of G. Recall that A group B is a subgroup of a group A if and only if every member of B is a member of A. Hence, if everything that is a member of the intersection of H and I is a member of G, then the intersection of H and I is a subgroup of G, and so the intersection of H and I is indeed a subgroup of G.

What is the name of that Asian Japanese or Chinese movie with a ninja or warior that is badass and has a small mask that covers his mouth and has a deformed face or mouth it has a lot of action?

g g g g g g g g g g g GG g g g

What is g dragon's favorite number?


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