Common factors go into the numbers, the numbers go into common multiples.
It is defined as the electronics products which is used for the daily day today life or used by the peoples most frequently used.
Factors: Are numbers that are multiplied to make a product. You always have to write the factors in order. If you need to find the factors of a number you can use divisibility rules. (they are used to know if a number is divisible by another numberDivisibility rules: by 2 : if the number ends in an even number, 2,4,6, 3: if the addition of the number is a multiple of 3by 4 : if the last two numbers are divisible by 4( zero is an exception)by 5: if the number ends in 0 or 5by 6: if the number is divisible by 2 and 3by 9: if the addition of the number is a multiple of 9by 10: if the number ends in 0.Example: the factors of 1,2,4,8,16 16 is divisible by those numbers.1x16 2x8 4x4Multiple: Is the product of a number multiplied with any other factor or factors.Multiples are endless!!!Example the first 10 multiples of 6 are: 6,12,18,24,30,36,42,48,54, 60the first 10 multiples of 2 are:2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20
Number factors help find common denominators in fractions and reducing fractions. In algebra they are used to find the answers to higher level equations like quadratics.
You use percentages when you go shopping and there is a sale, also, it can be used when there is a sales tax, which is in most states.
multiples can be used to know accumulation of products... example: you get 24 bulbs in a box, but you have 144 light fixtures to support. how many multiples of bulbs must you buy ... 6x24=144. answer 6
Common factors go into the numbers, the numbers go into common multiples.
No, but factors can.
There are uncountably many.
how is petrol used in our everday life
Close to infinitely many.
It usually isn't. Scientific notation is used for very large and very small numbers, that are not normally used in your daily life. Unless your "daily life" involves work in science or engineering.
I use the Golden Ratio in my daily life to design websites.
These nuts
You pet them
In dentistry .
in alternators