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to calculate velocity of fecal in castrated monkeys.

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Q: How are geometric proofs used in real life?
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How is geometric means used in real life?

Dun knw...... :p

3 Explain the purposes of inductive and deductive reasoning in mathematics?

In mathematics, deductive reasoning is used in proofs of geometric theorems. Inductive reasoning is used to simplify expressions and solve equations.

What Is The Special Name Of The Geometric Shape In Loops Used In Real Roller Coasters?

clothoid/ klothoid

What do you use geometric constructions for?

Geometric constructions are used by architects for designing buildings and public places for different purpose. As facilitator I use geometric constructions to assist learners to acquire following skills, * translating information into geometrical projections that are congruent, * experimenting with information to "design an elegant sequence" for drawing, * designing proofs to show that design is logically sound * using geometrical instruments skillfully.

Are proportions used in real life?

Proportions are used in real life to determine prices of things.

How are opposites and reciprocals used in real life situations?

Believe it or not, school is a real life situation. If you are using it in school it real life for you.

Where trigonometric used in real life?

If you are in school and are studying trig then you are using trig in real life.

What is used to support steps of a geometric proof?

Steps in a geometric proof do not require support

How are geometric shapes used in architecture?

Well, isn't a rectangular prism a geometric shape? And isn't a brick a rectangular prism? see this is one way that geometric shapes are used in architecture.

How are optical illusions used in real life?

Real useing you house.

How are compound inequalities used in real life?

They are not.

Statistics in real life?

Yes, they are used.