According to the CIA World Facts Book it's 390,580 sq km.Slightly bigger than Montana.
The Country of France is 547030 square kilometers, 211209 square milesComparatively Texas is 696241 square kilometers;268820 square miles.
Manitoba is 548,000 square kilometers
The Grand Canary is one of the islands in the Canary Island archipelago. It is 1,560 square kilometers in size.
All of the continent is considered a desert, because of its low humidity and lack of precipitation.
Zimbabwe covers 390,757 km2
177 square kilometers
69484 square kilometers is equivalent to about 26,811 square miles.
103000 square kilometers
3,000 acres = 4.6874 square miles = 12.1406 square kilometers (rounded)
Lake Kariba: area - 5,400 square kilometres
The Philippines has a total land area of 300,000 square kilometers.
Nairobi covers an area of about 696 square kilometers.
45227 square kilometers.