When reducing fractions to their lowest terms, the first step is finding the least common factor for the numerator (top number) and the denominator (bottom number) For example: 5/15: the factors of 5 are 1, 5. The factors of 15 are 1, 3, 5, 15. The LCM is 5, so divide 5 into 5 and 15. This reduces 5/15 to 1/3.
to reduce you you have to find the two numbers lowest common denominator. Then that is the number that is reduced over the number you got.
by using capacitor on the line we can reduce spike current or we can use a capacitor bank for the rated line capacity.
Most commonly is a transformer used to reduce the voltage. You can get it in the shop with electronic eq.
To reduce a fraction to its lowest terms divide the numerator and the denominator by their highest common factor as for example 12/16 = 3/4
Reduce the protection time provided by the gloves
Reduce in size; reduce physically. Make smaller.
reduce fat
To reduce To reduce
Reduce your angry with meditate.
you can reduce it by stuff
You cannot reduce a-2.
You can reduce the waste by reducing the trash
reduce (just like you did)
"The 3 Rs" are most commonly referred to as "readin', writin', and 'rithmatic".
It means reduce 1 to 1/2, reduce 4 to 2. Half it.