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Well, it depends. Are you directing/producing a movie and you need staff (ex. costume designers, production assistants, film editors/writers, screenwriters)? In that case, you can either write, call, or even arrange a meeting (it can also be over coffee or dinner) to meet with the person in charge of the company you want to work with.

Hope this helps! Although it would have been better if you could have been more specific in your question.

P.S. Some Advice: Be as polite as possible. Some can be really impatient and arrogant. Good Luck!

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18y ago

It could be anyway from near-free upfront costs to 200 million dollars. Has it been shot already, or is it an idea for a storyline or concept. scenero 1 - THE DREAM - you've written or own the rights to a script do compelling you hire an agent - who is so impressed he too works for no-upfront cost - who shows it to the majors who have a bidding war. In the end, everyone gets paid after the film makes a profit, you have complete control of the film, you get 10% of all gross receipts forever, and an unlimited budget to pick who you want to direct, actors to hire, where to shoot and how long, and what post facility to use as long as you want, and who get distribution rights and for how long. scenerio 2 - THE BUY - same as above except you also buy the rights to a story, buy an agent, hire a studio, pay everyone who even thinks about your project, buy distribution - you purchase the creation of your desire being made and made public. Think Bill Gates. usually - a 30m film can run as low as 30K to get from script to DVD - if you are lucky to get alot of favors (which you will if the script is hot). Finally, the cost is program dependant. If the story involves destroying Chicago, crashing 44 ferraris, and 90% of the film is computer-generated fantasy creatures you know it'll be a few sheckals more than 2 old men talking on a bench with a few flashbacks.

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