They are dense in that between any two decimals you have another one. A much better way to think of it is that a decimal must be either rational or irrational. For example, .34 is certainly rational, but the decimal expansion of square root of 2 goes on forever and is irrational. So a decimal, being either one, must be dense in the reals.
Basically, the higher you get in the atmosphere, the less dense it gets. It's the exosphere.
84.95 is a decimal.
8.5 is a decimal.
Anything as dense or more dense than the rock. Rocks, sledge hammers, chisels, etc
decimal of 43/125 = 0.34443/125:= 43 ÷ 125= 0.344 in decimal
There is no such number because decimals are infinitely dense. That is, between any two decimals, there are infinitely many decimals.
Decimal numbers are infinitely dense so there is no "next". Given any number claiming to be next, the average of 65 and that number will always be greater than 65 and nearer, and so have a better claim to be next. Decimal numbers are infinitely dense so there is no "next". Given any number claiming to be next, the average of 65 and that number will always be greater than 65 and nearer, and so have a better claim to be next. Decimal numbers are infinitely dense so there is no "next". Given any number claiming to be next, the average of 65 and that number will always be greater than 65 and nearer, and so have a better claim to be next. Decimal numbers are infinitely dense so there is no "next". Given any number claiming to be next, the average of 65 and that number will always be greater than 65 and nearer, and so have a better claim to be next.
Decimal numbers are infinitely dense throughout their domain. That means that between any two decimals there are infinitely many decimals. One consequence is that there is no smallest or first such number.
It is not dense
dense is an adjective. How about it is dense and so are you? the growth is dense. there is a dense growth of cells...blh blh blh hahahaha
There is no such number because they are infinitely dense. Between any two numbers, there are infinitely many numbers. And between any two of them there are infinitely many.
Dense ice
Decimal numbers are infinitely dense. That is, between any two numbers there are infinitely many numbers.For example, between 0.56 and 0.57, there is 0.563then between 0.56 and 0.563 there is 0.5621and between 0.56 and 0.5621 there is 0.56000023and so on, and on, and on.
really dense
Earth is more dense.
The sentence for "dense" is: The fog was so dense that I could barely see in front of me.