A Mormon member.
South Africa
Westjet Flights originate from the country of Canada. Westjet is a Canadian company that provides airline service for domestic and international flights originating from Canada. Westjet flights will originate from cities such as Toronto, Montreal, and Ottawa.
lack of positive numbers
it originated from 2500bc
it came from greece
Integers are an abstract concept that pre-date human beings. Many mammals and birds can count small numbers and are aware of the preservation of numbers.
Prime factors were discovered by mathematicians in Greece, Egypt, and other Mediterranean countries several thousand years ago.
they originate from chine
where did zoroastrianism originate
It is said that puppets originate from India, but no one actually knows where they originate from!
everything has its end .... but there are something which are exceptional .. words and numbers are one of these exception . so a dictionary is not enough .. words originate at any time and it is endless...