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It is the point of intersection of its three main diagonals.

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Q: How do you calculate the center of a rectangular parallelepiped?
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What shapes has 12 edges 2 rectangular faces and 3 sets of parallel faces?

A rectangular parallelepiped. A cuboid is a special case.A rectangular parallelepiped. A cuboid is a special case.A rectangular parallelepiped. A cuboid is a special case.A rectangular parallelepiped. A cuboid is a special case.

How do you calculate the volume of a rectangular parallelepiped where opposing corners are given?

length times with times height

What solid has six rectangular faces?

Rectangular parallelepiped

What is a rectangular based prism put on a slanted angle called?

rhombic prism, rhomboid, parallelepiped

What is a prism that has lateral edges perpendicular to its base?

rectangular parallelepiped.. :)

What shape has 6 rectangular faces and 4 faces that are identical?

right parallelepiped

What other 3d figure has the same edges faces and vertices as a rectangular prism?

A rhombohedron, a parallelepiped are two.

What shape has six vertices eight faces twelve edges?

A hexahedron of which a parallelepiped is a special case. A cuboid is a special case of a parallelepiped and a cube is an even more specific example. All the faces are quadrilaterals. A rectangular dipyramid (two rectangular pyramids stuck together along their rectangular faces) is another example. All faces are triangular.

What is a three dimensional figure with 6 faces?

A polyhedron with six faces is often called a cuboid. It is also called a rectangular parallelepiped or a rectangular hexahedron, or sometimes simply, a box.

What has 6 retangular faces?

A rectangular parallelepiped, also called a right-angled block, is more commonly known as a cuboid.

What is the shape of a cereal box?

a Rectangular Prisim

What shape has 6 faces and 12 edges but not all congruent?

A parellelepiped (pronounced parellel pie ped) is any shape with 6 faces and 12 edges. A cuboid, also called a rectangular parallelepiped, is a parallelepiped of which all faces are rectangular. A cube is a cuboid with square faces. A rhombohedron is a parallelepiped with all rhombic faces. A trigonal trapezohedron is a rhombohedron with congruent rhombic faces.