The GCF is 8.
The Greatest Common Factor of 24, 36, 64: 4
8 is the GCF of 24 and 64.
LCD(4, 16, 64) = 64
You are finding one-fourth of twenty-four. Aka: 4x6=24
24/64 = 3/8
3 eigths of 64 = 24
The fraction 24/64 in the simplest form would be 3/4. This is a math problem.
595/24 is an improper fraction; to change it to mixed number = 24 19/24
2.4 as a fraction = 24/10
The simplest form of a fraction is achieved by finding the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator and denominator and dividing both by it. In this case, the GCD of 2464 is 16. Dividing both the numerator and denominator by 16 yields the simplest form fraction, which is 154/1.
fraction of 64 = 64/1
-64 in fraction = -64/1
0.0024 = 24/10000 or 3/1250 in fraction
64/3 in fraction