To convert 1.57 to a fraction, put 57 over 100 after the 1.
1.57 as a fraction is 1 57/100. It is in simplest form.
Two ways. Convert them to common denominators or convert them to decimals.
To convert 0.325 to a fraction, put 325 over 1000. The fraction is 325/1000. In lowest terms it is 13/40.
no. of days / 365
157 1 X 157 so the answer is 1 X 157
1, 157.
.157" equals what fraction of an inch?
It is simply 157/7 as an improper fraction
To write 157 percent as a fraction, divide it by 100: 157 รท 100 = 1.57 fraction. In simplest form, it becomes 157/100.
6.28 in a fraction = 157/256.28 * 100/100 = 628/100 or 157/25 in fraction in lowest term
It is: 0.157 = 157/1000
0.785 as a fraction is 785/1000. To simplify this fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by 5, resulting in 157/200. This fraction cannot be simplified further because 157 and 200 do not have any common factors other than 1.
0.0157 = 157/10000
3.14 = 314/100 = 157/50
It is -2, which is an integer, not a fraction.