23 x 13 = 104
The least common multiple of 13 , 104 = 104
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 8 13 52 is 104.
Greatest common factor of 39 and 104 is 13.
3/4 = 12/167/16 = 7/165/8 = 10/16
104 as an improper fraction is simply 104/1
104, or 104.0
104% = 1.04 or 26/25
-104/320 = -13/40
88/104 = 11/13
104/330 = 52/165
0.832 = 832/1000 or 104/125 in fraction
-4.16 in fraction form = -104/25
You express 69000 in scientific notation as 6.9 × 104
104 over 8 = 13/1
It is: 1.4503*104