Vriendelike groete
"Parhain terveisin" is one of the most common ways to say it. The literal meaning is "best regards".
You could say "terveisin", if by regards you mean what you would say at the end of a letter.
Head of a Catalan Peasant was created in 1925.
Vriendelike groete
kind regards
Kindest Regards
"Si" is how you say "yes" in Catalan.
Els millors desitjos!
In Catalan, you can say "adeu" or "fins aviat" to say goodbye.
In Swahili, you can say "salamu za dhati" to mean 'best regards'.
You say "no".
best regards
In Catalan, you say "gràcies" to mean thank you.
Yellow in Catalan is "groc".
Melhores cumprimentos, lembranças "My best regards" - Meus melhores cumprimentos
In Catalan, "kiss" is said as "petó".