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Maby 10 KM. Because 3 hour walk on 6KMPH Save

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Q: How far could walk in 6 hours walking at 6 mph?
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Timothy was a pretty fast walker He could walk 7 miles in 1.2 hours How far could he walk at that rate if he walked for 5 hours?

He can walk about 29 and one-sixth miles.

If a giraffe were to walk into the jungle how far could it walk?

If you are referring to The Great Giraffe Challenge on Facebook, the answer is halfway. A giraffe could walk halfway into the jungle, after hitting halfway, it would be walking out of the jungle.

How fare could a normal person walk in 8 hours?

As far as they want

How far can you walk into forest?

half way then your walking out

How far can a dog walk in the woods?

Halfway. then he'll be walking out.

How far does one have to walk into the woods?

Half way. After that you are walking out.

Into the woods?

This is the answer to the question "How far can you walk into the woods?" If you keep walking after you have walked half way in, you are walking out.

How many calories can you lose on a walk if your 14?

There are a lot of calories that one could lose in a day simply by walking. On an average day, one could hope to lose about 500 calories by walking. It takes 3500 calories lost to lose a pound.

How far could a fit person walk in I hour and ten minutes?

Walking? 4 to 5 miles pretty easily at a good clip.

Halfway into the woods?

This is the answer to the question "How far can you walk into the woods?" If you keep walking after you have walked half way in, you are walking out.

How far can you walk into the woods?

Halfway. After that you are walking out of the woods.

How far in kilometres is 4 hours of walking?