The GCF of 52, 143, and 169 is 13.
Since 52 is a multiple of 13, it is automatically the LCM.
The LCM of 13, 26, and 52 is 52
GCF(52, 156, 169) = 13.
The prime factors of 52 are: 2 and 13
how many clubs are in a deck of 52.
This is a combinations question. There are (52 C 13) possible hands. This is 52!/((13!)((52-13)!)) = 635013559600
There are 13 diamonds in a deck of 52.
4 goes into 52 13 times without a remainder 4 x 13 = 52
There are 52 quarters in 13 dollars. This is because there are 4 quarters in every dollar, so by multiplying 13 dollars by 4 quarters, you get 52 quarters.
52% = 52/100 = 13/2552% = 52/100 = 13/2552% = 52/100 = 13/2552% = 52/100 = 13/25
52 divided by 4 = 13.....