That really depends on what you mean by "Mil." Assuming you mean miligram, then your answer is one thousand.
The duration of Buddha Mil Gaya is 1080.0 seconds.
Robert Pattinson was paid $2 mil for Twilight and $12 mil for New Moon.
Paris has approximately 27 million (of which approximately 17 million are internationals). Paris with its surrounding regions welcomes over 44 million tourists altogether. Most visited monuments include Notre Dame de Paris (13.7 million visitors), Basilique du Sacre - Coeur (10.5 mil), Louvre museum (8.3 mil), Eiffel Tower (6.8 mil) or Pompidou Centre (5.5 mil).
The duration of Meri Awaz Ko Mil Gayi Roshni is 1320.0 seconds.
These were the first people to sign a 1 mil contract First with a base salary of $1 mil: Bruce Matthews, 1983. First with a signing bonus of $1 mil: Johnny Jones, 1980.
Multiply by 1000
How many mil is 2.5 ounces
Sound the word out and the breaks are syllables. So milligram would be mil-li-gram.
That is 'ml' NOT mil. There are 170 of them in 6 ounces
A mil being a thousandths of an inch, it is 0.0026 inches.
177 mil. to make 6 ounces
One mil equals 0.001 inch.
the the ons can be 28 gram, of the how many? can gram be the ons
how grams in an ounce