Nobody knows for sure but there were 248 Second-Class passengers.
6.81 km/s = 4.23 miles per second
118 people in Second Class survived Titanic (62%).
The smallest fraction of a second measured is of the order of 10-15 attoseconds (10-15*10-18 seconds, or 10-15 quintillionths of a second). According to the current understanding of the laws of physics, the smallest unit of time that can be measured is the Planck time which is approx 5.4*10-44 seconds.
The smallest fraction of a second measured is of the order of 10-15 attoseconds (10-15*10-18 seconds, or 10-15 quintillionths of a second). According to the current understanding of the laws of physics, the smallest unit of time that can be measured is the Planck time which is approx 5.4*10-44 seconds.
There is a yoctosecond in a MKS (metric system) 1000 yoctoseconds - 1 zeptosecond 1000 zeptoseconds = 1 attosecond 1000 attoseconds = 1 femtosecond 1000 femtoseconds = 1 picosecond 1000 picoseconds = 1 nanosecond 1000 nanoseconds = 1 microsecond 1000 microseconds = 1 millisecond 1000 milliseconds = 1 second 1,000,000,000,000,000 yoctoseconds in a nanosecond
The Planck length, which is the smallest known length in the universe. The mass of a neutrino, which is incredibly small compared to other subatomic particles. The time it takes for a photon of light to pass through an atom, which is on the order of attoseconds.
Theoretically, the smallest time measurement possible is one Planck time, around 5 x 10-44 seconds. The shortest time interval measured so far is around 12 attoseconds (approximately 10-17 s).
How many men was in the second bull run?
Saturn is the second largest planet with many rings.
The second word of many limericks is typically "was."