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Q: How many factors of elasticity are there?
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Related questions

What factors affect elastic of demand?

There are plenty of factors affecting elasticity of demand including climate of the area. Other factors that effect elasticity of demand include supply and group of people buying.

What are the 2 factors that determine the natural frequency of an object?

Factors: elasticity and shape of the object

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Factors affecting income elasticity of demand?

The income factor affecting income elasticity of demand is weather or not goods are necessities of luxury.

Factors influencing the price elasticity of demand?

Very good answer here:

What are factors that would effect the elasticity of an object?

Factors that can affect the elasticity of an object include the material it is made of, its temperature, the presence of any defects or imperfections, and the amount of force applied to it. The type of loading (e.g. tension, compression, shear) and the object's dimensions can also influence its elasticity.

What are the three factors that affect price elasticity of supply?

I cannot answer this question.

Coefficient of elasticity how many types?

As many types as variables are used to calculate the elasticity. Elasticity is simply a relationship between rates of change of variables in equations.

If you were to lose a significant amount of weight would it distort your tattoo?

There are many different factors to be considered. If the elasticity of you skin is good, then it shouldn't affect it at all.

Why is determining demand elasticity important in economics?

What are the determined factors of price elasticity of demand

Factors affecting elasticity of demand for coke?

availability of substitutes is one of the major factor

Which type of factor does the speed of a sound in a material depend?

There are two factors if it is a metal. Those are elasticity and density.