it is 8810 Kilometers
67,7 kilometers
Cape Town is the city
Approximate distance in miles from Cape Town South Africa to Birmingham United States is 8231 miles or 13243.68 Kilometers
The distance from Oranjestad, Aruba's capital, to Cape Town, South Africa's second most populous city, is 6,609 miles.Specifically, that distance is equivalent to 10,635 kilometers. It is 5,742 nautical miles. Cape Town is east-southeast of Oranjestad.
CAPE TOWN TO WINDHOEK1265 km North of Cape Town.
1,425 people per square kilometer in Cape Town
it is 8810 Kilometers
What is the distance in km from cape town to windhoek
it is 8810 Kilometers
The distance between Cape Town and Mossel Bay is about 685 km (or 425 miles).
Approximately 164 kilometers.
67,7 kilometers
The Commodore Hotel located in Cape Town has an address of PortsWood Road, Portwood Square, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town. Therefore, it is located in Portwood Square at PortsWood Road.
There is about 158 kilometers between Cape Town, South Africa and Robertson, South Africa. When driving by car, it would take about an hour and a half.