The population is spread unevenly. Delhi has the most ratio per km square.
India's total area comprises 3,287,590 square kilometres.
India's area is 3.287 million km²
1 Quadrat Meter in India? That is 1 square meter in the USA.
The area of landmass of India is 3.28 million square km. India has a land boundary of about 15,200 km and the total length of the coastline of the mainland including Andaman and Nicobar and Lakshwadeep is7,516.6 km.
Delhi - 1,484 km2
India's area in Square Kilometers - 3,287,240km2 (Total)2,973,190km2 (Land)LIAM DOES DOPEHOw large is India in square kilometres?
The population density of Delhi is approximately 11,297 people per square kilometer. This makes it one of the most densely populated areas in India.
3,166,414 sq. km.
The land mass of India has an area of 3.28million square km.
The flight distance from Amsterdam, Netherlands to New Delhi, India is 3,957 miles / 6,368 km.
2061 km its different according to ur mode of journy
7538.48 miles (12132 km)
The population is spread unevenly. Delhi has the most ratio per km square.
India's total area comprises 3,287,590 square kilometres.
Delhi, India to Goa, India is an 1875 - 1911 km trip and takes approximately 27 - 28 hours of driving.
India is 1.269 million sq miles (3.287 million km²).