according to the world fact book on Canada it is 9,984,670 sq. KM
Canada covers 9.985 million km².
people = crap9 976 136The area of Canada is 9,984,670 square kilometres.
Canada in North America has an area of 9,984,670 square kilometres.This is equal to 3,854,085 square miles.Canada is the 3rd largest country by area in the world.
Canada is the bigger country. Canada covers 3,849,674 square miles (9,970,610 square km) of which 291,576 square miles (755,180 square km) are inland water (7.6%), while the US covers 3,717,811 square miles (9,629,091 square km) of which 181,519 square miles (470,131 square km) are inland water (4.9%).
Alberta, Canada is 661,848 km²
Canada's total area is 9,984,670 square km
Canada's total area is 9,984,670 square km
according to the world fact book on Canada it is 9,984,670 sq. KM
944,735 km2
Canada's area is 3,860,000 square miles (9,980,000 square kilometers).
Canada covers 9.985 million km².
9,976,140 sq km.
Canada's population density is just four persons per square km
people = crap9 976 136The area of Canada is 9,984,670 square kilometres.
Canada in North America has an area of 9,984,670 square kilometres.This is equal to 3,854,085 square miles.Canada is the 3rd largest country by area in the world.