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Q: How will you find the products of two binomial factors with unlike terms?
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What is the binomial?

A binomial is a polynomial with two terms.

What are the kind of special products?

The special products include: difference of the two same terms square of a binomial cube of a binomial square of a multinomial (a+b) (a^2-ab+b^2) (a-b) (a^2+ab+b^2)

Mathematics expression with two terms bi?


What is a binomial?

A binomial is a mathematical term for a polynomial with two terms.

Which factors resulted in a product that is binomial?

Binomials are algebraic expressions of the sum or difference of two terms. Some binomials can be broken down into factors. One example of this is the "difference between two squares" where the binomial a2 - b2 can be factored into (a - b)(a + b)

What is a binomial coefficient?

A binomial coefficient is a coefficient of any of the terms in the expansion of the binomial (x+y)^n.

What is the main difference between a polynomial and a binomial?

The only difference is that a binomial has two terms and a polynomial has three or more terms.

What is the relationship between binomial and a polynomial?

A binomial is a polynomial with exactly 2 terms.

A polynomial with two terms?

It is binomial

What are the kinds of specialization?

The special products include: difference of the two same terms square of a binomial cube of a binomial square of a multinomial (a+b) (a^2-ab+b^2) (a-b) (a^2+ab+b^2)

What is meant by the first two non-zero terms in an binomial expansion?

The first two terms in a binomial expansion that aren't 0