1700 = 850 X 2
Every number is divisible by 1. Including negative numbers, that's an infinite list. There is no smallest.
If the GCF of two numbers is 850, both numbers are multiples of 850. Multiples of 850 include 850, 1700, 2250 and so on. The smallest two numbers that have a GCF of 850 are 850 and 1700. But 1700 is divisible by 850. 1700 and 2250 are the next two smallest and are not divisible by each other.
The smallest of the two numbers could be 850.
Gcf you use when you are finding the greatest factor for the numbers. Lcm you use when you are finding the smallest multiple in the numbers factors
1742 and 2613
The smallest possible pair of numbers is 1700 and 2550.
It doesn't have a numerical answer. If both numbers are even, one will be divisible by the other.
1700 = 850 X 2
Two even numbers won't have an odd GCF.
2 AND 3
Two even numbers won't have an odd GCF.
958 and 1437
958 and 1437
1700 and 2550
1700 and 2550
1700 and 2550