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There are at least 2 methods, one is just trial and error, the second involves multiplying a times c and then looking for factors of this product that add to equal b.

Separate b into those 2 terms and factor by grouping, looking for a binomial gcf.d

Ex: factor 6x2 + 7x - 20. Notice a=6,b=7, and c=-20

a*c = 6*-20 = -120 FACTOR -120, 1*-120, 2*-60, 3*-40 and more until you run into 20*-6, 15*-8, 10*-12, 6*-20 etc. Check the sum looking for 7.

20 + -6 = 14 not 7, but 15 + -8 = 7 YES

So separate 7x into 20x + -8x

6x2 + 15x + -8x - 20 group in pairs, factor the 1st and 2nd pair separately

3x(2x + 5) -4(2x + 5) notice GCF of 2nd pair is -4

The binomial is now a GCF so

(2x + 5)(3x - 4) ANSWER

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Q: In factoring a trinmial with a leading coefficient other than 1 the step is to look for a common factor in each term and factor it out?
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In factoring a trinomial with a leading coefficient other than 1 what is the first step?

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In factoring a trinomial with a leading coefficient other than 1 the first step is to look for a factor in each term?

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What is the most common used factoring machine?

The most common factoring machine used is called the Prime Factoring Machine (PFM). This tool will help you with all your factoring needs.There are other machines available, but this is the most common.

What are the kinds of factor?

factoring whole numbers,factoring out the greatest common factor,factoring trinomials,factoring the difference of two squares,factoring the sum or difference of two cubes,factoring by grouping.

What are the three methods of factoring?

1. Factoring out a common monomial 2. Factoring out the differnece of two perfect square numbers 3. Factoring out a common binomial

When do you stop factoring by Greate st Common Factor?

When the GCF is 1.

What is the first thing you do when factoring an expression?

Factor out the Greatest Common Factor.

What is meant by the term common factoring?

The term common factoring is relating to what is common among two or more things. This same technique is used in math. In math some problems require the common factor to be found. A common factor of the numbers 4 and 8 would be the number 2.

What is different about factoring with a common factor and factoring by the greatest common factor?

When you divide 2 or more numbers by a common factor which is not the greatest common factor, they will still have a common factor which is greater than 1. When you divide them by their greatest common factor, the quotients are coprime - that is, they no longer have a factor in common other than 1.

Why do use factoring in math?

Knowing the highest common factors of numbers helps to reduce fractions to their lowest terms Factoring helps to find the lowest common multiple of numbers which is useful when adding or subtracting fractions with different denominators.

When factoring out the GCF do variables get factored out as well as coefficients?

Yes, if they are in common for all the terms.

What are the 5 kinds of factoring?

the 5 kinds of factoring are common monomial factor, difference of two cubes, quadratic trinomial, perfect square trinomial,and difference of two square.