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Q: Inspired by the American Revolution in 1776in the early 1800s Spain and Portugal decided to fight for independence from their colonial rulers true or false?
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What were the two revolutions inspired Latin Americans to fight for their freedom from Spain and Portugal?

The American Revolution and the Haitian Revolution

Which revolution resulted in independence from Portugal?


What revolution did this happen in Countries achieved their independence from the European monarchies notably Spain Portugal and France that held power over them?

During the French Revolution, Spain, Portugal and France achieved their independence from the European monarchies that held power over them.

Which Latin American nation gained independence from Portugal?


What latin American nation gained independence in Portugal?


What south American nation gained independence from Portugal?


What event was rejected by creole elies as a model of revolution because of exessive radicalism?

Independence movement in Portugal.

What role did the French Revolution and American Revolution play in Latin American independence movements?

None, really. The American Revolution (1775-1783) and the French Revolution (1787-1799) were events barely noticeable, as they happened to European powers England and France; as most of Latin America was within the sphere of influence of Spain and Portugal, these territories weren't affected by such conflicts.

Which country has conquered by Portugal but gained its independence in 1975?

After the Carnation Revolution, Portugal gave up all their colonial possessions including East Timor and Angola.

How were Latin American Independence Movements from the French Revolution?

None, really. The French Revolution (1787-1799) was barely noticeable, as it happened to France, and European power; as most of Latin America was within the sphere of influence of Spain and Portugal, these territories weren't affected by such conflict.

When did Portugal obtain its independence from its colonists?

Portugal obtained its independence from its colonists in 1143.

What is the outcome Countries achieved their independence from the European monarchiesnotably Spain Portugal and Francethat held power over them?

The Cuban War of Independence and the Philippine Revolution lead them to their independence from Spain in 1898. The Indochina wars freed Vietnam from France, and Laos, Cambodia won their independence in 1954 as well. Portugal held on to Brazil until they recognized their independence in August 1825.