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Q: Is 0 a multiple of all numbers?
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Why is 0 not a multiple?

It is. Zero is a multiple of all numbers.

What numbers are a multiple of 5?

In base 10, all numbers whose last digit is a 5 or a 0

Which whole numbers is 0 a multiple of?

Zero isn't a multiple of anything.

Is 0 a multiple of 100?

That depends. If any number multiplied by 0 is equal to 0, then is 0 a multiple of no numbers, or every number... a tricky one.

Is 0 a multiple of any number?

It depends for example: 0, 3, 6 This times table starts with 0. 3, 6, 9 This one does to it is just not included in the times table. So yes 0 is a multiple of all numbers.

Is the least multiple other then 0 common to sets of multiples?

This is the lowest common multiple which is the smallest number greater than 0 which is a multiple of all the numbers. for example the lowest common multiple (lcm) of 4 and 6 is 12 as 12 is the first (smallest) number greater than 0 that is a multiple of both 4 and 6.

Is 2 a multiple of 5?

No, the multiples of 5 are all of the whole numbers whose "1's" digit is either 0 or 5.

Name numbers that least common multiple is the same as its factor?

All numbers with a least common multiple, have that multiple as a factor.

How do you know which numbers are multiples of 2?

0, 2, 4, 6 and 8

Is 1455 a multiple of five?

A quick way to check multiples of five is to remember the following rule: All numbers that end in 0 or 5 are multiples of 5. All multiples of 5 end in 0 or 5. In this case, we have 1455, which ends in 5. Therefore, it is a multiple of 5.

What is multiple of ten between 3460 and 3890?

They are all the numbers that end with 0

What are all numbers greater then 0 called?

All numbers greater than 0 are called positive numbers.